I have a very special photo which I carry with me in my wallet, always. (Well almost always, as you will learn.) It is cut out from a black and white 120mm contact sheet, and it is of Fay and seven of her puppies on the day of their birth.
I am very attached to this photo. In it you can see Fay nursing the
litter, bookended from left to right by Chundo, the largest, Crooky
with the crooked tail, Glenn with ears like Glenn Gould, Blaise with
a white spot, handsome Ken, Speedy the athletic one, and then Battina, tiny as a little brown bat. Two more puppies were born
later that night. This is the only picture I have from this
monumental occasion.
One day a few years ago I realized that I should make a copy for safe keeping, so I took out this little scrap and left it on my kitchen counter as a reminder to myself. That very day my wallet was stolen by a pickpocket. I lost my driver's license, credit cards, money. But the photo, thank goodness, was safe.
-- WW
Do you have a special photo, a lucky penny, or other treasure that you carry everywhere? Tell us about it in the comments! Flo will choose one at random, and the winner will get a signed copy of Dogs on Rocks, by William Wegman. Remember to include your email address so we can contact you! The contest will close on 12/5/12 at 11:59 pm.
Read the official rules here.