In 1974 I was invited by WGBH Boston to experiment with video in their new television workshop. I made several works over the course of the year, but the most memorable was the piece involving Man Ray and another dog, a german shorthaired pointer named Hooka. Hooka belonged to another artist I worked with and she complimented my dog nicely.
In the piece we see the two dogs staring at the camera in a dark room. Their eyes are intently following something off camera. Sometimes their head movement is pull into the action as they crane to follow the whatever it is in various left right and up down directions. At one point the action seems to stop and the dogs begin to blink in syncopation. At this point Hooka settles down into a lying position but Man Ray remains riveted. Towards the end piece the dogs crane to look behind them and at one miraculous moment their motions counter each other. At the end we see the object of their attention…in my hand, a tennis ball.
-- WW
Posted by: Veronique Chabane | 05/31/2013 at 10:15 AM
great man :D
Posted by: bedroom furniture | 07/28/2013 at 03:14 PM